After Strategic Management

Seoul. 08.01.21

This morning, blessed by the sweet face of a dear friend smiling across a screen, feeling like she radiated “home”, and talking of love and feelings and churnings, this extraordinarily clever woman told me that behavioural economics says that we experience loss three parts to joy.

In strategic management we were told that “power comes out of dependence”. As in a supplier is powerful over me when I am dependent on supply. As in the sweet manufacturer to a candy addiction. As in one becoming the fleshy ocean to which we have opened up our hearts.

But we never really do, as long as they beat. Because, I think to right that 3:1 and in power, we can em-power ourselves too…no? To something like equity. Where we choose to ignore fear, choose to remember that our hearts beat as one, as two, as many. We can depend without revoking our own power…We can remain independent in community, in depending, in caring, in our antennas sensing pain and nuzzling the pained…Like my mother assuring me that after all these years she could sense my period coming, and so whilst I vibed the guy with the pink hair throwing his arms open to sunshine while feeling guilty for the grizzly grr-ing-ness I felt somewhere simultaneously, that it was this, and this was ok, would flow, pass…Can we not power and power, and care and care, and depend and depend?…Something like this?

[I can smell the toilet! Potent! Not cute!]

After Strategic Management: strangers are unto humans who waft past and within and grasp and dance, and all is well. No period upon any seat. Silly me!



Mxd Chx (Not the Brand; Probably DeepFakes) Abroad

Joint blog by two mixed-race girls setting off on their #exchanges abroad. One in Florence. The other, Seoul. Mostly light. Sometimes Deep. You: Come snack.